Gallery 400
Today 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM
Select the start time and end time
for your booking here.
About This Facility

Secure and affordable indoor garage in the Near West Side. Just a few minutes to the Bottom Lounge, Union Park, and Skinner Park.

Max Vehicle Height: 7'0"

Hours of Operation:
Sun 24 hours
Mon 5:00 am - Tue 12:00 am
Tue 5:00 am - Wed 12:00 am
Wed 5:00 am - Thu 12:00 am
Thu 5:00 am - Fri 12:00 am
Fri 5:00 am - Sat 12:00 am
Sat 24 hours
RATED: 3.4 out of 5

How to Park